Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre un produs al celor de la Liz Earle si anume Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser.
Today I want to talk about a Liz Earle Product and more precisely the Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser.
Mai jos puteti citi cateva informatii despre compania Liz Earle "Britain's best kept beauty secret"
Below you can read some information about Liz Earle company "Britain's best kept beauty secret"
Produsul care l-am primit pentru testare a castigat numeroase premii pentru cel mai bun demachiant.
The product I received for reviewing has won many awards for best cleanser.
Cleanse& Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser vine cu 2 prosopele si cu un fel de portfard foarte dragut.
The Cleanse& Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser comes with 2 pure muslin cloths and a mini traveller bag. pe langa asta am primit mai multe pliante informartive iar altele separate cu preturile in parte a produselor. Plus o scrisoare personalizata, ceea ce este un gest frumos si de apreciat.
.. and besides that I got some informative pliants and others that contained the price lists of the products. Also a personalized letter, which I consider to be a nice gesture.
Liz Earle este un brand care a castigat numeroase premii pentru produsele lor care contin active naturale. Deasemenea nu fac teste pe animale. Un big like pentru asta! Mai jos o lista cu premiile
Liz Earle is a brand that has won many awards for their naturally active ingredients. Also they do not test on animals. A big thumbs up for that ! Below you can see the list of the awards
Intr-adevar comunicarea a fost excelenta, serviciile pe masura calitatii produsului ! Am primit coletul foarte repede !
The communication was excellent, the service equally to the quality of the product ! I received the package very fast !
"Cleanse , tone and moisturise are the more important things you can do for your skin" -o fraza demna de tinut minte si cel mai important de pus in aplicare. Totul porneste de la o curatare adecvata si profunda a tenului, mai ales daca ai un ten mixt/gras.
"Cleanse , tone and moisturise are the more important things you can do for your skin" - it's a phrase worthy to remember and most important to put in action. Everything starts with a proper and profound skin cleaning especially if you have combination/oily skin.
Descrierea produsului:
Am creat doar un singur demachiant deoarece aceasta formula este cea potrivita cand vine vorba de o demachiere concentrata si totusi gentitla si se potriveste oricarei varste si tip de ten.
We only make one cleanser because this formulation is the ultimate in concentrated yet gentle cleansing power and works on every age and skin type.
Demachiantul nostru pe baza de plante are o dubla actiune, faza unu este curatarea. Fara continut de ulei mineral, are o textura bogata si cremoasa si indeparteaza rapid orice urma de machiaj de pe fata si ochi, chiar si cea mai "incapatanata" mascara.
Our plant based cleanser has a two-phase action, phase one is the cleansing. Free from mineral oil, it has a rich and creamy texture and swiftly removes all traces of face and eye make up, even stubborn mascara.
Faza 2 este netezirea (exfolierea delicata). Curata crema folosind prosopelul pentru a indeparta celulele moarte de pe piele ceea ce va duce la o piele radianta, curata si delicata.
Phase two is the polishing. Polish off the cream using the pure muslin cloth to gently dislodge dead skin cells and help reveal clean, soft and radiant skin.
Printre ingredientele naturale sunt incluse eucaliptul si untul de cacao pentru o piele mai curata si mai neteda.
Naturally active ingredients include eucalyptus and cocoa butter for smoother, clearer skin.
Potrivit pentru toate tipurile de ten/ Suitable for all skin types
Cum se foloseste/ How to use:
Curata zilnic dimineata si seara urmand acest proces de 2 etape:
Cleanse daily morning and night using this two-step process:
Pasul 1: Masati una sau doua pompite pe pielea uscata pe fata si pe gat de doua ori pe zi
Step 1: Massage one or two pumps onto dry skin over face and neck twice a day.
Pasul 2: Se introduce prosopul in apa calda (nu fierbinte) si se strange in maini pana se scurge cat de cat apa din el inainte de a curata gentil demachiantul. Repeta din nou procedeul.
Step 2: Rinse the pure muslin cloth in hand-hot water and wring out before gently wiping off the cream. Rinse and repeat.
Stropeste fata cu apa rece si foloseste o lotiuen tonica si o crema la alegere.
Splash face with cool clean water and follow with Instant Boost Skin Tonic and your choice of moisturiser.

L-am folosit timp de 2 saptamani dimineata si seara, urmand cei 2 pasi de mai sus. Imi place foarte mult faptul ca nu trebuie aplicat forate mult produs, o pompita este indeajuns pentru toata fata. Textura produsului este sub forma de crema, la inceput aveam indoieli de cat de bine va curata machiajul din timpul zilei dar am fost placut surprinsa de rezultate. O curatare rapida si eficienta ! In plus prosopelul acela este grozav, exfoliaza gentil intreaga fata si o lasa foarte neteda si luminoasa. Deasemenea alternanta de apa calda/ rece ajuta la mentinerea elasticitatii pielii , este un truc pe care il aplic mereu in mod repetat (la fel ca in cazul dusurilor alternative). Eu folosesc un prosop pentru demachierea de dimineata si unul pentru demachierea din timpul zilei Le puteti gasi de vanzare si separat pe site-ul lor Un alt lucru pe care l-am observat este micsorarea porilor considerabil, cel putin in cazul meu de posesoare a unui ten mixt.
I've been using it for 2 weeks now in the morning and at night following the 2 steps from above. I like very much the fact that I don't need to apply a lot of product, one pomp is enough for the hole face. The texture of the product is creamy, at first I had my doubts regarding how good will it clean the heavy make-up but I was quite surprised with the results. A quick and efficient cleaning ! Plus that pure muslin cloth is great, it gentle exfoliates the hole face and leaves it smoother and looking brighter. Also the hot/cold alternation helps maintain the skin's elasticity, it's a trick I use frequently (just like the hot/cold alternation showers). I use a cloth for the morning cleaning and one for heavy make-up. You can find them for sale if you just want to buy them separate on their website: Another thing that I've noticed is that my pores are smaller, at least in my case as a combination skin type.
Asa arata un prosop. Este destul de mare si dintr-un material care se spala foare usor si bine.
This is how a pure muslin cloth looks like. It's pretty big and made from a material which is easy to wash.
Nu am gasit nimic contra la acest produs. Poate mirosul vi se poate parea ciudat pentru cei obisnuiti cu demachainte usor parfumate (ceea ce nu e tocmai recomandat ) dar cum am scris mai sus contine ingrediente naturale ca unt de cacao, musetel, rosemarin si ulei de eucalipt. Eu una ma impac bine cu mirosul !
I haven't found a minus to this product. Maybe the smell might seem a little weird to those that are used to cleansers which contain parfum (is not quite recommended) but as I said above it contains naturally active ingredients like cocoa butter, rosemary and eucalypt oil. I myself don't have a problem with the smell !
Portfardul care este foarte cute, o culoare minty si practic in acelasi timp.
The mini traveller bag is very cute, it has minty color and it's very practical at the same time.
They have a special offer, click aici if you want to check it out
Astept parerile voastre ! Voi ati incercat vreun produs Liz Earle ?
Let me know what you think! Did you try any Liz Earle product?