20 februarie 2013

Review: Ansley New York Multi Fit BB Cream (SPF50) Ro&En

Nici nu imi mai amintesc de cand nu am mai facut un review, insa produsul de care va voi vorbi astazi este unul care a devenit nelipsit din portfardul meu.
 I can't even remember how long it is since I made a review, but the product I will tell you about today has become one of my favorites.

Sunt convinsa ca ati auzit de BB Creamuri si isteria care s-a creat in jurul lor. Chiar si cateva branduri romanesti au scos un astfel de produs (pe cel de la Garnier l-am incercat si eu) insa BB Cream este un produs asiatic. Am primit prin septembrie un pachet din partea celor de la GlowandGlamour.com care continea 3 produse full size si mai multe mostre. 
I'm sure you've heard about BB Creams and the hysteria surrounding them. Even some Romanian brands have made such a product ( I tried the one from Garnier) but BB Cream is actually an asian product. I received in september a package from GlowandGlamour.com which contained 3 full size products and some samples.

Astazi o sa va vorbesc doar de un produs, si anume Ansley New York Multi Fit BB Cream care este un amestec de crema, fond de ten, protectie solara (SPF 50) si tratament in acelasi timp. Ceea ce mi se pare grozav si ideal la acest produs este faptul ca are SPF 50, tinand cont ca majoritatea fondurilor de ten au SPF 15, 20 sau chiar mai putin. De asemenea, vine dotat cu un fel de lip balm care poate fi folosit si pentru obraji. Este o nuanta de roz pe care o ador pe obraji, insa pe buze nu rezista foarte mult si tinde sa usuce buzele chiar si cu balsam.
Today I am going to talk only about one product Ansley New York Multi Fit BB Cream, which is a cross between moisturizer, foundation, sun protection (SPF 50) and treatment also. What I find to be ideal and awesome about this product is the fact that it has a SPF of 50, when the majority of foundations have 15 , 20 or even less. Also, it comes with a balm that can be used onto cheeks too. It's a pink color that I adore on the my cheeks, but used on the lip it doesn't resist very much and also tends to dry them even if using another lip product on top of it.

Ce promite produsul sa faca/ Product functions:
  • Sa uniformizeze si sa deschida pielea fetei /Even out and lighten skin tone
  • Ajuta la imbunatirea texturii pielii/ Help perfect the skin complexion
  • Asigura protectie solara/ Provide protection from the sun
  • Ascunde ridurile si porii/ Hide wrinkles and pores

Intr-adevar uniformizeaza foarte bine si da senzatia de naturalete datorita stralucirii pe care o confera produsul in combinatie cu lip balmul. 
Indeed it evens the skin tone and it gives a healthy look appearance that I think it's because of the product used together with the balm. 

Este o nuanta foarte deschisa care la inceput cand este aplicata poate parea prea deschisa, dar in cateva minute pare ca si cum nu as purta nimic (desi eu una ma consider inspre Alba ca Zapada) acest produs reuseste sa imi mai deschida inca putin tonul pielii.
 It's a very light color which may seem to light at the beginning, but in a few seconds it's like you are not wearing anything on your skin ( I myself consider me something similar to Snow White) but this product still manages to lighten my tone.

 De fiecare data cand am iesit din casa data cu acest produs in combinatie cu balmul, toata lumea a crezut ca nu's machiata si am atras atentia mult mai mult ca atunci cand as fi folosit fond de ten si as fi avut un machiaj la ochi. 
 Everytime I went out of the house wearing this product along with the balm people thought I wasn't wearing any makeup and I managed to draw much more attention than when I would wear foundation and an eye makeup.

Si daca de obicei mi se spune ca am trasaturi asiatice, purtand acest produs oamenii tind sa creada din prima ca sunt :)). Acest produs mi se pare ideal pentru persoanele care isi doresc, si chiar sunt obsedate sa aiba tenul mai alb, aproape de o gheisa - va functiona cu siguranta :)
I am usually told that I have asian figures but when wearing this product people would tend to believe from the start that I really am :)) funny, right? I find this product to be ideal for those persons who want and are even obsessed with having a light skin tone, similar to that of a geisha - this product would definitely do the trick :)
De multe ori am aplicat acest produs cand aveam tenul usor iritat sau sensibil si seara cand ma demachiam puteam observa o imbunatatire a texturii pielii. Nu stiu daca poate fi vorba doar de efectul Placebo, insa de fiecare data m-a ajutat in astfel de situatii. 
I often applied this product when I had a sensitive or irritated skin and I could see an improvement after removing my makeup in the evening. I don't know if it was just the placebo effect, but what I am certain of it's that it helped me in this kind of situations.

In ceea ce priveste acoperirea, este una medie spre mare as zice, acopera foarte bine roseata si petele lasate de acnee. Imi place la fel de mult faptul ca imi camufleaza porii destul de bine, insa cu ridurile de expresie parca lasa de dorit.
As for the coverage I would say it's medium to big because it covers really good the redness and acne spots. I also like the fact that it manages to camouflage my pores pretty good, but the expression lines not so much.

 Punctele tari ale acestui produs pentru mine sunt in principal protectia solara 50 si stralucirea naturala care da impresia unei pieli sanatoase. Nici nu mai am nevoie de un iluminator, desi imi place sa folosesc.
 The strong points of this product in my opinion are the SPF 50 and the beautiful skin with a healthy glow. I don't even need an iluminator anymore, although I like using it.

Pret/Price: $16.90

Produsul il gasiti aici alaturi de poze/ You can find the product here along with pictures

Cei de la GlowandGlamour au foarte des concursuri pe pagina lor de facebook, dati-le un like aici: https://www.facebook.com/glowandglamour?ref=ts&fref=ts

The people from GlowandGlamour have very nice contests on their facebook page, you should give them a like here:  https://www.facebook.com/glowandglamour?ref=ts&fref=ts
You can enjoy a 10% store wide discount by using this code: GLOW10

Also they have a  50% off sale on many beauty and makeup products: http://www.glowandglamour.com/50-off-sale/

Voi ati incercat BB Cream ? Did you try BB Cream?


Un comentariu:

  1. Imi foarte mult, dar plang dupa balm ca e pe sfarsite. Cred ca o sa-l cumpar, e si redus acum


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