5 iunie 2011

Blogger Luxury Award

Un award foarte frumos primit de la  Andreea si vreau sa-i multumesc pe aceasta cale.

The rules are:

1. Link back to the person who passed you the award!
2. Share 7 random things about yourself!
3. Award 15 blogs.
4. Drop them a line and tell them about it!

Seven random things about me:

1.I am a stuborn person !
2.I can't live without music
3.I love white clothes
4.I am addicted to my lipstick
5.I love to write
6.I love romantic gestures.
7.I like iceskating

I award this to :

Makeup Drawer
Pinky Heels
Iulia C.
Miu Miu
Delia's Choice
Andra T.
Colorful bazar
Leya creations
Cupcake Splendens.
Honey Bunny
Miss Z


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