Descrierea produsului:
- Neutralizează acţiunea radicalilor liberi responsabili de fotoîmbătrânirea pielii şi de degradarea fibrelor de colagen şi elastină.
- Stimulează înmulţirea celulelor sistemului imunologic al pielii. Reduce stările inflamatorii cutanate provocate de radiaţiile UV, ducând la încetinirea procesului de îmbătrânire.
- Hrăneşte şi regenerează pielea, fiind o sursă de lipide şi acizi graşi nesaturaţi.
- Are efect de hidratare pe termen lung a pielii, prevenind pierderea transepidermică de apă (TEWL).
- neutralizes the activity of free radicals responsible for the skin's photoageing and degeneration of collagen and elastic fibres
- stimulates the skin' immune system cells growth. reduces inflamation caused by UV radiation which slows down the ageing process
- nourishes and regenerates face skin, supplements lipid deficiencies
- prevents transepidermal water loss providing long-lasting skin hydration
- Recomandat pentru regenerarea tuturor tipurilor de piele după expunerea la soare.
- after sun regenaration of all skin types
Mod de utilizare
- Se recomandă aplicarea uniformă a serului pe faţă. Se va folosi după fiecare expunere la soare sau mai des, dacă este nevoie.
- Spread a thin layer of the serum evenly on the skin. Use after each tanning or according to needs
Contine ulei din samburi de struguri, alantoina, apa termala, ingrediente care fac din acest produs unul ideal pentru folosirea dupa expunerea la soare. Alantoina are efect cicatrizant, calmant şi reparator al pielii care accelerează procesul de vindecare şi restaurare cutanata. Uleiul din samburi de struguri contine acizii graşi nesaturaţi care hrănesc pielea şi întăresc bariera de protecţie a pielii.
It contains viti vinifera oil, allantoin, Iwonicz aqua,ingredients which make this product a good one to use after sun exposure. Allantoin has a calming and regenerating effect over the skin which accelerates the process of healing and restructure. The viti vinifera oil contains unsaturated fatty acids which feed the skin and strenghten the natural protection barrier of the skin.
Probabil ca v-ati pierdut prin descrierea de mai sus sau n-ati avut rabdare sa cititi tot asa ca voi spune pe scurt ce promite acest produs sa faca pentru tenul nostru: sa intarzie proceusl de imbatranire a pielii, neutralizeaza radicalii liberi, reduce roseata si calmeaza iritatiile pielii si intareste sistemul imunologic al pielii.
You probably got lost in the description from above or didn't have the patience to read all so I'm going to make a resume of what this product promises to achieve for our skin: to delay the process of skin photoageing, neutralizes the activity of free radicals, reduces the redness and inflamation of the skin, strenghten the immune system of te skin.
Prima data l-am folosit dupa o zi de plaja intensa, adica 5 ore. Odata ajunsa acasa, am constatat ca sunt rosie pe fata mai ceva ca o tomata plus o urma de iritatie la ochi. Si am spus ca este momentul ideal pentru a pune la incercare acest produs, cu sperante minime recunosc. Am utilizat pana acum si alte produse destinatate uzului dupa plaja dar niciunul nu mi-a redus roseata pana a doua zi ca acest produs magnific. In plus, mi-a calmat iritatia de la ochi astfel ca a doua zi am putut sa ma duc iar la plaja linistita stiind ca am acest produs acasa. Deci intr-adevar reduce roseata si calmeaza pielea. Un alt lucru care mi-a placut foarte mult este faptul ca dupa folosirea lui textura pielii mele era mult mai imbunatatita plus o stralucire delicata si asta datorita lipidelor si acizilor grasi nesaturati pe care ii contine. Pielea mea parea mult mai hidratata ca de obicei deci previne pierderea de apa asa cum spun ei. Iar daca roseata a disparut atat de repede, cu siguranta acest produs face o treaba buna cand vine vorba de neutralizarea radicalilor liberi.
The first time I used it was after a long day at the beach, at least 5 hours. When I got home I realized that I was redder than a tomato and I had a beginning of inflamation around my eyes. So I said to myself that this was the right time to put this product at test but I didn't have much hopes for succes, I admit. I had used other after sun products before but none of them managed to reduce my redness until the next day. Even more, it calmed down my eye inflamation so I was able to go to the beach the next day knowing I have this product at home. It realy does reduce redness and inflamation of the skin. Another thing I liked about it what the fact that my skin texture was visible improved and it had a glowy look because of the lipids and unsaturated fatty acids that it contains. My skin seemed more hydrated tha usual so it prevents water loss as they say in the description. Based on the fact that it managed to make my redness go away so fast, I would say that this product defintely does a good job when it comes to neutralizing the activity of free radicals
Mirosul este unul discret, textura produsului este una usoara si intra repede in piele. Ambalaj micut si usor de purtat in geanta. Partea proasta contine parabeni !
The smell it's a nice one and discret, the texture of the product is light and it's easily absorbed into the skin. Light packaging, easy to wear in your bag. The down side of this product would be the fact that it contains parabens !
Raport cantitate-pret 50 ml pentru 29 ron
Price and volum- 50 ml for 7euro
Il voi cumpara din nou cu siguranta. I will buy this again for sure.
Hope you find this review useful !
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