2 ianuarie 2012

Paula's Choice New Product: RESIST Ultimate Anti-Aging Hand Cream (Ro&En)

Sunt sigura ca ati auzit deja de produsele Paula's Choice. Am primit spre testare unul dintre produsele lor recent aparute si anume RESIST Ultimate Anti-Aging Hand Cream SPF 30 + Antioxidants. O puteti vedea in poza de mai jos. Am primit coletul direct la usa, intr-un foarte scurt timp ceea ce mi s-a parut grozav ! 

I'm sure you've already heard of Paula's Choice products. I had the change to test one of their most recent products and more specifically the RESIST Ultimate Anti-Aging Hand Cream SPF 30 + Antioxidants . You can see the product in the picture below. I got the package straight to my door in a very short period of time which I thought it was great !

Description/ Descriere

Shields hands from sun damage, aging, and brown spots
Contains gentle mineral actives for broad-spectrum protection
Antioxidants defend against signs of aging and stimulate collagen production

Protejeaza mainile de razele solare, imbatranire si pete maronii.
Contine minerale active pentru o protectie mai mare. Antioxidantii apara impotriva semnelor de imbatranire si stimuleaza producerea de colagen.

Leaves hands feeling soft, smooth, and perfectly moisturized.
Proven emollients ease and prevent dryness so your hands look younger. 100% fragrance- and colorant-free

Lasa mainilor o senzatie moale, catifelata si perfect hidratate. Emolientii atestati previn senzatia de uscare astfel incat mainile tale sa aibe un aspect tanar.100% fara coloranti si parfum


Apply liberally to clean, dry hands every morning and as needed throughout the day.Reapply after washing hands or if hands get wet.

Mod de aplicare:

Aplicati direct pe mainile spalate si uscate in prealabil, in fiecare dimineata si peparcursul zilei atunci cand simtiti ca este necesar. Reaplicati dupa ce va spalati pe maini sa atunci cand mainile se uda.

Who is this product for?

Anyone with dry hands who also wishes to protect skin from signs of aging, including brown spots, loss of firmness, and rough texture. Highly recommended for daily use whenever hands will be exposed to daylight.

Cui i se adreseaza produsul ?

Tuturor persoanelor cu maini uscate care doresc sa-si protejeze mainile de semnele imbatranirii, inclusiv petele maronii, pierderea fermitatii, si textura rigida. Recomandata pentru uzul zilnic oricand va veti expune mainile in timpul zilei.

Parerea mea

Pentru ca are spf 30, crema aceasta este ideala de folosit vara dar in acelasi timp si iarna deoarece contine antioxidanti care protejeaza de vremea rece si in acelasi timp repara mainile transformand pielea uscata intr-una perfect hidratata. Am folosit-o ultimele zile imediat dupa ce m-am spalat pe maini sau inainte sa infrunt vremea rece de afara, si am observat o schimbare in bine a pielii, care a redevenit moale si fina. Nu contine parfum si foarte important nu lasa senzatia de pelicula grasa. Se absoarbe imediat in piele. Este importan sa avem grija de mainile noastre sis a prevenim eventualele semne de imbatranire iar crema aceasta contine antioxidanti puternici care stimuleaza producerea de colagen. Eu ador in general cremele parfumate si mi s-a parut ciudat sa folosesc una fara parfum dar ador rezultatele. Ambalajul e mic si usor de luat in geanta. Merita incercata, poate fi exact ceea ce cautai :)

My opinion

It has spf 30 and that makes this product ideal to use during the summer but at the same time in the winter because it contains antioxidants that offer you protection against cold weather but at the same time it repairs the skin and transforms a dry skin into one that is perfect hydrated. I've been using it these last days after washing my hands or before going outside, and I've noticed a good change of the skin, which is once again smooth and silky. It doesn't contain fragrance and very importantly it does not leave the skin feeling greasy. It absorbs quickly into the skin. It's important to take care of our hands and prevent the first signs of aging and this cream contains antioxidants that stimulate collagen production. I love hand creams that have a beautiful scent and it was a little weird to use one that is fragrance free but I'm loving the results. The packaging is light and easy to carry in your bag. Give it a try, it might be just what you are looking for :)

Where to buy: www.paulaschoice.com


2 comentarii:

  1. M-ai facut curioasa..fara parfum zici?? Adica nu miroase a nimic..;)). Trebuie neaparat sa o "miros".


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