Zilele trecute v-am aratat colantii castigati de pe Romwe.com. Daca nu ati citit postarea o puteti vedea aici. Au aparut alte modele de colanti si am vrut sa va arat si voua noutatile. :) Mi se par la fel de interesanti ca cei pe care i-am primit. Astept sa-mi spuneti care va plac mai mult.
A couple of days ago I've showed you the leggings I won on Romwe.com. If you didn't read the post you can see it here. There are new leggings on the site and I wanted to share with you the news. I think they are as interesting as the ones I received. Please tell me which ones do you like the most.
I love the ones in picture number 5, 6, 8 and 9.
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