26 iulie 2011
2 Products I love this summer !
Probabil ca va asteptati la produse de make-up dar este vorba de 2 produse utile in obtinerea unui bronz frumos si pe care le consider indispensabile. Faptul ca am pielea alba duce la nevoia unei protectii solare mai mare pentru a ma feri de eventualele arsuri solare ceea ce inseamna obtinerea unui bronz mult mai greu. Insa de cand am descoperit uleiul spray de la Elmiplant pentru bronzare accelerata sunt o fericita ! Dupa ce am pus primul strat de bronz si nu ma sunt "alba ca zapada", acest ulei este o minunatie. Are Spf 10 si nu contine parabeni. Il folosesc de obicei in intervalul 3 jumate -6 si nu m-am inrosit deloc folosind doar acest ulei.
You were thinking probably that I was referring to make-up products but this post it's about 2 key products I consider must-have when it comes to getting a perfect tan. The fact that I have a white skintone leads to the need of using a higher protection to prevent the possible sun burns which means getting a tan slower than other persons. Since I discovered the accelerating tanning spray oil from Elmiplant I'm a happy person ! After achieving a little bit of color on my skin and I'm no longer white as snow, this spray oil does wonders for me. It has Spf 10 and does not contain any parabens. I use it usuallt between 3 and a half and 5 and I haven't got any sun burn from it.
Produsul numarul 2 este serul normalizator pentru fata de la Iwostin. Bronzarea fetei e partea cea mai problematica deoarece fata este cu un ton mai deschisa ca restul corpului si evident tmult mai sensibila. Daca as fi stiut de existenta acestui produs vara trecuta cand m-m inrosit pe nas si am umblat cu pudra dupa mine permanent... In prima zi de plaja am ajuns acasa rosie pe fata si eram convinsa ca va trebui sa astept cateva zile pentru a putea merge iar la plaja. Am aplicat serul cu sperante minime si ama vut o mare surpriza pana a doua zi fata mea isi revenise si avea o stralucire aparte si asta pentru ca serul contine alantonina, extractul din melci folosit in cremele regenerante . Acum, suntem nedespartita de el si am declar indragostita de acest produs.
Product number 2 is the Normalizing after sun face serum from Iwostin. Tanning the face it's a tricky part for me because my face is one skintone lighter then the rest of the body and of course more sensitive. If I would have known of the existence of this product last summer when I had my nose red I wouldn't have the need to have a powder with me everywhere I went.... The first day I went to the beach I got gome as a red face and I was convinced I would have to wait a few days till I could go again to the beach. I applied the serum and I had a big surprise because the enxt day my face was normal, no more redness and it had a glowy look too because it contans allantoin, the snail extract used in regenerating creams. Now I use it all the time and I proudly say I think I'm in love with this product.
So this was only a little preview of this two products, I will review them soon with more details. Stay tunned !
P.S What do you think about feather earings ? Do you like them ? Maybe I'm preparing a little giveaway !
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si eu am uleiul de la Elmiplant, doar ca cel fara SPF si sunt foarte multumita de el :X.
RăspundețiȘtergere"What do you think about feather earings ? Do you like them ?"
Am o pereche pe un baby blue tipator, dar sincer nu stiu daca i-as mai purta vreodata :))...i-am cumparat prin clasa a 6-a de la mare si acum mi se par prea copilarosi.
Vreau sa gasesc din aceiasi mai mari cercei, cum se poarta acum :D daca gasesc cumpar 2 perechi, una pentru giveaway :*