27 iulie 2011

Celebrity Look: Alessandra Ambrosio

Vara ador sa port rochite albe, mi se pare ca aceasta culoare pune cel mai bine in valoare pielea bronzata. Imi place tinuta aleasa de Alessandra Ambrosio, un look lejer completat de modul cum a ales sa-si poarte parul ii da un aer usor boem. Insa se simte lipsa unei pete de culoare in aceasta tinuta, cred ca as fi optat pentru un plic colorat sau o curea diferita.

                 Voi ce parere aveti de tinuta ei ?

I love to wear white dresses during summer, I think this color shows off our tanned skin. I like the outfit chosen by Alessandra Ambrozio, it's a casual look that goes well with the way she's wearing her hair, it gives her a boem look. I sense the need for a spot of color in this outfit, I would have chosen a colorful clutch or a different belt.

                  What do you think about her outfit ?


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